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April 20, 2009

Its not talent - its a choice!

I realized very early in my career that the ability to speak publicly would be a tremendous advantage regardless of whether I continued to pursue a career in consulting, or if I stepped back into an operational role.

When I first started speaking publicly I suffered dramatically from anxiety attacks. real ones, and really nasty ones. Loss of breath, speechless, sweating, heart racing, headaches and the very real and frightening feling of absolute panic.

A terrible experience...But I had already made th decision that this was what I wanted to do. So I read, studied, practiced, learned all about breathing, drinking water, diet, exercises and all the other things that you can do to control anxiety... and I made it.

Today I regularly speak before hundreds if not thousands of people a year. I can present with slides, flip charts, pen and paper or no props at all. I can do it with a script, or cold and totally unprepared. (using "The Force")

But it isn't talent, it was a choice...

Everything is a choice.You decide if you are going to be a masterful manager / leader / speaker / dancer... whatever, and then you set your mind to it and do it.

Thats how its done - you just set your mind to it, learn everything you can about it, and practice until it all works.

What have you decided to become?