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April 19, 2009

The problem with great ideas that everyone has them. In fact the average CEO, VP, Director or general manager is inundated with great and innovative ideas every single day.

People seem to think that the role of senior management is to assess the great ideas and place bets on those that could do well. No chance... there is no time; and these days there is no money either.

And once their great idea is off their chest they relax, safe in the knowledge that they have passed to torch to someone else so now it's their fault if nothing happens.

If you are a consultant selling great ideas, in this time of exploding ideas, then the competition will be fierce, and the market will be unkind, and your future will be limited more than it should be.

Instead of great ideas only (because some vision is vital) make sure to wrap them in practical details.

Who is going to be interested? Why? How are they going to implement them? How are they going to embed them? Why should they change anyway? And lastly, but most importantly of all... where's the beef? How much is it worth and how long will it take to get the money in the bank.

Ideas are like backsides. Everyone has one and thinks every one else's stinks.