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June 8, 2009

The tyranny of time

There has been an incredible increase in the number of things that I know nothing about.

Everything I learn shows me a whole panorama of things I have yet to learn. And as information flows more freely and faster, that is increasing every single day.

I have always held dear the thought of finishing my Microsoft advanced application developer certificate, or learning how to program in Ajax properly, or to become a really proficient practitioner in Human Error factors.... but I will probably never do any of these.

I just don't have the time. The internet lays the world out before us and tempts us to try to do it all, learn it all and have it all... but we can't.

Time is not a resource, it is a priority, I could learn Ajax, or finish the Microsoft thing, or even get into Human Error practices, but I have chosen a different set of priorities.

At least I realize that I am doing it... what about you?

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