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November 8, 2008

An end to faith based initiatives

An ad in a magazine, on Television or on the radio is essentially a faith based initiative isn’t it?

We place the ad, we have an idea of their normal circulation. We hope it stays the same. And we wait for the phone to ring.

Some call, some just check our website, some email, and some ignore it.

So did it work or not? If you really want to know then you need some form of screen that asks then why they are visiting your site. This is a method fraught with problems and inaccuracies, particularly if they don’t register.

But if you hang a video on YouTube there is a very clear indication of how many people have seen it. If you purchase Adwords then you get very clear reports on how many clicked. If you use Google Analytics then you can easily determine who visited, what they bought and the path they took before they clicked.
We can see the immediate impact using Feedburner of Google Analytics of a Blog post, or of our Adwords campaign.

And we can track the references from sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Stumble Upon or whatever else.

I am not a big fan of banner ads, (I will go out of my way to avoid them) but the fact remains that you can track them…

So, what are the reasons for pitching ads in paper based (faith based) publications? Forget it – the world isn't changing; it has changed.

We don’t base our marketing programs on faith anymore, we base them on facts - on what works, and on measurable results