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April 13, 2008

Its April Already...

I cannot believe it is April already. It seems like I was returning to the middle east from Mexico just a week ago. (January!)

The Networking Group

The Consulting Hub networking group on LinkedIn is now at near 800 members and climbing every day by around 20 people. A lot of people seem to be getting a lot out of it, at least they seem to be telling their colleagues so we must be doing something right.

Between LinkedIn and the blog we are trying to maximize the value of the network to everyone, so any tips please let me know.

When you search for people (particularly for the headhunters in the network) be sure to click on the group to make sure you include it in the search.

And if you are part of the group you should already have the code for 50% off at our job-site Your Brilliant Career.

Over the next month we look forward to publishing an interview with a successful entrepreneur in the Defense industries. An inspiring character, also looking forward to hearing more from The Dim Bulb ,Mr Jonathan Salem Baskin on marketing for professional service industries.

Recent Posts...

Over the past month we have run a few interesting posts, I hope that some of these are of interest.

Also, I write a regular column now for a website called Art of Change at on engineering areas that I work in.

Want to participate?

If you are keen to get involved with our community then please feel free to send me an email at any time. Here are some ideas on how to get involved...
  • Think you ave something of value to add to other consultants in the game? Write a guest post on the blog...
  • Read a good book and want to do review for other consultants...
  • Good software for consultants (preferably one you are not comemrcially involved with) send me an email and I will post it up here...
If there is any other way you can think of to add more life to the network and to the blog then please let me know.

I realize consultants are always real busy, but personally I really enjoy interacting with the community in this way.

The Future...

After a bit of mucking about we finally have our new logo for the site. Seemed to capture a lot of what we were trying to do.

I think it will work out. I sent it through to a few friends in the consulting game and it seemed to work out okay. Over the next month I hope to be able to get some time to change the blog template also.

This is the second time I have used, and I can recommend them wholeheartedly!

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